What is Rapid Fire Coaching?

This is real time coaching giving you the ability to schedule with your coach on an as needed basis. When things happen in your business on a day to day basis that you can’t plan for, you need an expert who is in your court to help you process through your greatest hurdles. Your coach helps you do that with expert advice, ideas you hadn’t thought of, up to date research, an unbiased perspective and discernment for what you can’t see.

Let me show you how I can help YOUR business…
both professionally and financially.

How it Works

  • Submit your topic / challenge via video or a web form to your coach
  • Select length of coaching session in 15 minute blocks – 15, 30, 45 or 60 minute sessions
  • Schedule your Rapid Fire Coaching Session at a time convenient for you
  • The coaching team researches the topic to prepare information on the most recent trends.
  • Your coach reviews your details along with the research findings prior to the session
  • You meet with your coach to discuss ideas, solutions and build an action plan
  • Your coach sends you the coaching notes, research findings and action plan
  • You conquer your “challenge” head on