

In my coaching time and my ongoing education, I am finding it to be true that men need excitement and adventure in their lives in order to stay motivated and fulfilled. For many men, taking risks and pushing boundaries can help to develop their skills and gain confidence in their abilities. By stepping outside of their comfort zone and embracing new challenges, men can find a renewed sense of purpose and passion in life. So, seeking out exciting experiences is a great way for men to discover new passions and explore their potential.

What would be different or changed if Christian business men lived to their greatest potential? Perhaps they could be a powerful force for good in the world. They likely could use their business acumen to create jobs and opportunities in their communities, and use their resources to serve those in need. The empowered Christian business man could lead with integrity and humility, make a tangible impact on the lives of those around them, and be a light in the darkness. Imagine what could happen if Christian business men lived this way?

With God’s strength and guidance, what would change if these men chose to make a positive difference in your life and in the lives of others?

I’ve found that men that are pursuing connection to Jesus can boldly say:
  • God is on the throne of my life and my fruit is the the proof of this
  • I am committed to going deeper destroying apathy in my daily walk with the Lord
  • I understand that ALL people are made in God’s image and I choose to see God’s full potential in them
My focus for 2024 is CALLING men who are serious about:
  • Using their time, talent and treasure for God’s Glory
  • Being obedient to the Lord in all areas of their lives
  • Making a difference in people’s lives
  • Walking with the Lord
  • Driven for success
  • Proactively dealing with temptation

This year, I am building group masterminds for Christian businessmen. I have found that masterminds are powerful because they provide a supportive environment for Christian men to come together and share. These groups provide an opportunity to gain insight from others who have similar values and goals. Additionally, group masterminds also provide accountability and encouragement so that men can stay on track with their goals and push themselves to reach their full potential. Finally, group masterminds create a sense of community and belonging essential for any Christian man’s journey.

Will you join my Kingdom Warriors mastermind? You can choose a weekly, bi weekly or monthly time of rejuvenation, focus, and action for leaders.

Our proprietary 7×7 process that gives you:

  • Inspiration & Confidence
  • Learning & Growth
  • Accountability & Accelerated Action
  • A Clear Plan
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Meaningful Camaraderie
  • Kingdom Purpose & Spiritual Development
Men, I would love to see you at our Kingdom Warriors mastermind group!

If you’d like to visit for free, we invite you as our guest. Click here to fill out the quick questionnaire to apply for a visit. We have strict rules regarding who can visit and actively protect our members from sales scouts.